So you might be wondering what am I am doing with the whole art thing. I've been wondering that too. Getting divorced, watching my mom go through cancer and seeing my dad have a heart attack & a triple by-pass, has allowed me to re-evaluate a lot of things. One of them being my art and the reasons why I do what I do. When there are so many things that need to get done in life, making art always ends up being last on the list of priorities. So how does it get put closer to the top of the list? For me, I need a purpose or a reason to blow off loads of responsibilities so I can focus on my work. I need to know that I am not mowing the grass, or cleaning the house, or exercising, or balancing my check book because I am doing something more important (making clay figures). I've been doing a lot of soul searching to find out what the real reason is for making art and how that links to what I make specifically and why I make it. It has caused me to re-think art all together. Art has been my entire life and now I am changing everything I ever thought about it. That's pretty huge. It's not something that I am resolving overnight either.
So in the mean time, I hope you stop back at my site from time to time and you still enjoy looking at my work. One of these days you'll come back and find some big changes. Although I couldn't tell you just yet what those changes will be :)